Showing 12 Result(s)

Medication-Assisted Female Weight Loss

Liraglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that increases satiety while decreasing appetite. It might produce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea as adverse effects. Liraglutide is a type 2 diabetes and obesity medicine. It is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, miming the actions of a natural hormone known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is produced after eating and …

Cognitive Decline in the Elderly

Alzheimer’s and dementia are two of the most common causes of cognitive deterioration in the elderly. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological illness that causes memory, thinking, and behavior to deteriorate over time. It is the leading cause of dementia. Dementia is a broad term that refers to a decreased cognitive function severe enough to interfere …

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

A novel called “mRNA vaccines” instructs the body’s cells to produce a protein that resembles the COVID-19 virus’s surface using messenger RNA (mRNA). If the body is ever infected, this protein helps the body fight off the infection by inducing an immunological response. At present, the United States offers two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines under availability: …

A Headache Is What Exactly?

Pain in the head or upper neck is what we refer to as a headache. Several factors, such as stress, anxiety, weariness, dehydration, hunger, lack of sleep, excessive use of medication, alcohol, coffee, smoking, sinus infections, head injuries, and some medical issues, can all contribute to the development of this disease. People of all ages …

Migraine Headache Pain

No one knows what causes migraines, but it is thought that changes in the brain’s acids and blood vessels are to blame. Some things, like worry, not getting enough sleep, certain foods and drinks, changes in hormones, and bright lights or loud noises, can cause migraines. Migraine headaches can’t be cured, but there are ways …


Some people get cluster headaches, which are very rare and cause severe, sharp pain on one side of the head. Headaches often happen in groups, with several occurring in a short amount of time. Men are more likely than women to get cluster headaches, and most people get them in their 20s or 30s. No …

Home Treatments for the Symptoms of COVID

You don’t need the counsel of a medical professional to try any of the several home treatments available for Covid. These include drugs that may be purchased without a prescription, a pulse oximeter, and Lugol’s iodine, which effectively destroys the COVID-19 virus. Although these therapies won’t cure your Covid, they should at least assist you …